Please note:
We do not work 24/7 but all messages, texts, emails will be answered as soon as we are able.
If URGENT please phone and if not answered, leave a message and your details, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Phone 07450028410 thank you, Jeanette
A Big Thank You to Our Sponsors

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'Promoting Supportive Decision Making'

Craft & Chat, Knit & Natter
lun. 22 nov.
Do you sit indoors bored? Then come along to our C&C, K&N.
Time & Location
22 nov. 2021, 11:00 – 13:00
Gosport, South St, Gosport PO12, UK, UK
About the Event
Come and join in the crafts or come to enjoy the friendly company. (I must say this is a ladies club at the moment but if you're a chap and would like to join us please get in touch we would love to see you!) CHAT2Us are always interested to see what crafts you do at home and suggestions for things the group can participate in is always useful. There is always ample tea and coffee on the go and plenty of snacks to munch on.