We were lucky to acquire a substantial donation from Greggs Foundation towards running our support group and events. On Friday May 3rd 2019 CHAT collected a large cheque of £1324. We wanted to give a big thank you to the Manager of our High Street store, Debbie, so we asked Caroline Dinenage MP and the Mayor, Diane Furlong and the press to attend. Gosport Globe covered the event and passed on details to Portsmouth News where a half page spread was done.
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Please note:
We do not work 24/7 but all messages, texts, emails will be answered as soon as we are able.
If URGENT please phone and if not answered, leave a message and your details, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Phone 07450028410 thank you, Jeanette
A Big Thank You to Our Sponsors

Insurance cover provided by

'Promoting Supportive Decision Making'

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