Please note:
We do not work 24/7 but all messages, texts, emails will be answered as soon as we are able.
If URGENT please phone and if not answered, leave a message and your details, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Phone 07450028410 thank you, Jeanette
A Big Thank You to Our Sponsors
Insurance cover provided by
'Promoting Supportive Decision Making'
Helpful Numbers
Telephone numbers, email addresses and websites may change suddenly without our knowledge please check on the internet if not found.
Useful Contacts:
Housing Benefit – 02392 545325
Housing Services – 02392 545476
Council Tax – 02392 545470
Switchboard – 02392 584242
Housing Benefit – 01329 824646
Housing Services – 01329 236100
Council Tax – 01329 824651
Benefits Enquires - 0800 882 200 Child Support Agency Enquiries - 08457 138 924
Jobcentre Plus - 0800 055 6688 JobCentre Plus - 0345 6088 545
Inland Revenue (Tax Credits) - 0845 300 390
Pensions Service - 0845 606 0265 Pensions Claim Line - 0800 991234
Employment Support Allowance (ESA) - 0800 169 0310 ESA Assessments - 0800 288 8777
Personal Independence Payments (PIP) New Claims - 0800 917 2222
PIP Existing Claims - 0800 121 4433 support letters/reports can be sent without stamp to:
Dame Caroline Dinenage MP for Gosport, Lee on the Solent, Hill Head and Fareham
The following information is taken from
Telephone number: 02392 522121 Email address: Gosport Office: 167 Stoke Road Gosport PO12 1SE
Caroline holds regular surgeries on a Friday. These surgeries are open to all constituents and give you a chance to meet with Caroline and raise issues directly with her.
If you'd like to make an appointment, please contact Caroline's Senior Parliamentary Assistant Glenn Duggan on the number above.
Your Surgery Appointment
If you do make an appointment to visit Caroline at her surgery, you may find the following information helpful.
Constituency Surgeries are usually extremely busy, so as a courtesy to other people it is requested that you keep to the timing on 15 minutes per appointment. It is therefore important to think carefully about the help you would like Caroline to provide and to keep to the facts. If there is supporting paperwork it would be helpful if copies are made in advance and given to Caroline at the meeting. Caroline will normally be accompanied by her Assistant who will take notes.
167 Stoke Road is located a few doors from Stoke Gallery (picture framing and art shop), opposite Ladbrokes. The building shows the sign of the Gosport Conservative Association. There is usually plenty of side street parking close by. A number of bus routes pass right by the door. Caroline's office is located on the first floor. Any constituent unable to climb the stairs can be seen downstairs. If this is the case, please inform Caroline's Personal Assistant so that the necessary arrangements can be made.
Before requesting a surgery appointment please do:
Check whether the issue can be sorted direct (see useful contacts section above).
Think about whether we could start to help you more quickly if you wrote, phoned or emailed rather than waiting for the surgery.
Please note that Members of Parliament are not permitted to intervene in any matters of a legal nature and cannot offer legal advice.
MPs do not have any jurisdiction over local Council decisions, but Caroline is happy to assist in raising local matters with local councils.