Please note:
We do not work 24/7 but all messages, texts, emails will be answered as soon as we are able.
If URGENT please phone and if not answered, leave a message and your details, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Phone 07450028410 thank you, Jeanette
A Big Thank You to Our Sponsors

Insurance cover provided by

'Promoting Supportive Decision Making'

What We Do
CHAT2US Socials

Social CHATs are what we are calling our get-togethers. Where we can meet new friends and contacts in a friendly social occasion and drink a cuppa or two. We can also play a few board games, try different crafts or join in a quick exercise lesson from our Personal Trainer.
The people who come to our meetings and need support may come with poor mental health, physical or learning disabilities, elderly or isolated, parents or workers. They come to enhance their wellbeing, making friends and talk through any problems over a smile, a coffee and a chat. They can join in gentle exercise with our Personal Trainer or learn a new craft. And once a month stay for a nutritious buffet lunch.
During the warmer weather we meet down the beach for a picnic or take a walk and do a spot of litter picking too.
Just call us before so we can arrange or text to make sure we are not overbooked, 07450028410. Remember we can always call you back!
CHAT2US Friendship Group
CHAT2Us Support

CHAT2Us Gosport are still continuing to support the people that need one-to-one help and visiting those with physical and poor mental health in their own homes.
We are finding many need support with housing, filling in benefit related forms and support at health assessments and even going to medical and court appearances.
CHAT2Us have helped with British Citizenship, moving meters, neighbourhood disputes, debts, and sourcing disability aids as well as the above.
What we do is essential for the people who call us and for their referral agencies.
The people who come to our meetings and need support may come with poor mental health, physical or learning disabilities, elderly or isolated, parents or workers. They come to enhance their wellbeing, making friends and talking through any problems over a smile, a coffee, biscuits and cake. They can join in gentle exercise with our Personal Trainer or learn a new craft. And once a month stay for a nutritious buffet lunch.
During the warmer weather we may meet down the beach for a picnic or take a walk.
Commencing our weekly support group and the monthly lunch group and looking towards the future.
Our members are key to how we run our group bringing us an ideas so we can do what we want together!
At our new base, The Henry Cook Centre, we have a dedicated room where we can go off and talk in private if you have a problem you would like to discuss.
'Promoting Supportive Decision Making' - we guide and advise but you make the decisions!
CHAT2US Litterpicks
Unfortunately, because of poor health these have been cancelled. If you are interested we can put you in touch with local groups.

Something we were very much into was encouraging clean-ups of our local parks and beauty spots. These days, unfortunately, I am less mobile and unable to continue with litterpicks. Lucky enough, we have quite a few groups that have sprung up to keep our town clean. There is a great grouup on FaceBook - Gosport Wombles. If you are looking for a group to hook-up with then there's the place to start or why not contact StreetScene and ask for bags and a litterpick and they will help you.
I live near Forton Park and regularly walk my dog there so keep an eye and if very untidy or there is broken glass I will contact StreetScene who are quire prompt in coming out to clean-up.
StreetScene can be contacted on 0800198598 or Out Of Hours (OOH) 0800028 0835 (Kier).
O r there is a good App called Fix My Street where you can report road and pavement problems...
<a href="https://www.fixmystreet.com/"> <img src="https://www.fixmystreet.com/i/fms-badge.jpeg" alt="FixMyStreet - report, view or discuss local problems" border="0"></a>

Life at CHAT2Us started as a monthly lunch group at Thorngate Halls with Radio Haslar supplying us with a meeting room for our support group. The ladies enjoyed each others company so much they wanted to get together more often.t When I informed them that CHAT (our prior name) didn't have the finances to hire the hall weekly. One of our members, Julie D'Arcy, jumped in with'" You can use my shop!" 'One of a Kind Studios' in Whitworth Road. So that's what happened, a weekly slot at her shop and the third Monday of the month back at Thorngate for our lunch group. A big "THANK YOU JULIE!!" from all of us.
However times move on, and better accommodation was found at The Henry Cook Centre, South Street. This is on direct bus routes for all of Gosport making it more accessible for most people. We have always provided transport for those who need assistance to get to us so taxi's are provided for the elderly or disabled.
Most of us ladies like to do knitting or some sort of craft and we now meet up weekly at the Henry Cook Centre, 11am until 1pm.
To support local groups and organisations, we get our fingers busy by knitting tiny hats, and cardi's for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Queen Alexandra Hospital. We also knit fidget sleeves (for those suffering from nerve conditions) and lap blankets which are donated to the Adult Services or local homes.
Our members lead our decisions and we are happy to discuss any changes and suggestions of what we do week to week with you.
If you enjoy anything crafty come and join us next Monday! (Though it is not compulsory! If you would just like some company and a chat we would still love to see you).
Our groups are open to anyone from 18 - 90+