I didn't realise this was here so sorry if you have been looking and not seeing any updates. I generally do that through the blogs. Lots has happened this year especially the news that we were awarded a further 2 years funding from the National Lottery so a birthday party was held to celebrate this and of CHAT2Us Socials running for 8 years ( our support group has been going 9 years). Jennifer Parker-Lumis came along to give us a good sing-along, I hope the ladies enjoyed her as much as I did. This Sunday, June 30th, we are at the Harbour Cancer Support fundraiser, FunDay. With a dog show and car display plus many other stalls and bouncey castles I am sure many will have a good day out.
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We do not work 24/7 but all messages, texts, emails will be answered as soon as we are able.
If URGENT please phone and if not answered, leave a message and your details, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Phone 07450028410 thank you, Jeanette
A Big Thank You to Our Sponsors

Insurance cover provided by

'Promoting Supportive Decision Making'

CHAT2Us Gosport Group
Public·1 member
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