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CHAT2Us Gosport Group

Public·1 member

Happy New Year! The new year has made a mixed start, some good, some not so good, but everything to look forward too. This sun is shining today although quite chilly it lifts our hearts. Annette is home from hospital and everyone is looking out for a wheelchair to bring her to our meetings which she is so missing. A few were missing from Mondays meeting and hope they are feeling better and we see them soon. Next Monday 15th January, is our Social Lunch so we hope you will be there. Wendy and Sandy are organising something different for us, I am looking forward to trying it out.

I've been snowed under with both paperwork and Supporting local residents and I am sure most of you are rallying around keeping busy too! If not, enjoy, put your feet up and relax, remember you can always contact us for a chat through any of our social media channels, FaceBook, Linkedin, this website and Whatsapp, Our telephone number is 07450028410 if you need support or would like to enquite about transport to our Motivational Mondays.


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